Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Identity of Al Quds Day Organizers "Cloaked in Secrecy"?

So says B'nai Brith chief Frank Dimant in his statement about Ontario's Sgt. at Arms (how does one get tapped for that cushy gig?) signing off on the Queen's Park Al Quds Day rally:
TORONTO – B’nai Brith Canada has just learned that the Ontario government’s Sergeant at Arms has agreed to issue a permit clearing the way for an “Al-Quds Rally” to take place once again on Queen’s Park grounds on Saturday August 18, 2012. The permit was granted despite concerns brought to Premier McGuinty’s attention by a number of groups including B’nai Brith Canada.
Frank Dimant, CEO of B’nai Brith Canada noted, “It is simply not appropriate for the government to shield the identity of the organization behind this public rally given the sad history of prior organizers allowing speakers to monger hate. The “Al-Quds” organizers have taken great steps to keep their identities hidden from the public, and in the name of privacy, the government will not disclose their identities, despite the very public nature of this event.
”Given last year’s demonstration where hateful remarks were made by speakers and organizers who singled out Ontario’s Jewish community for contempt, such a rally has no place at the seat of Ontario’s government. Since the event is in fact a jihadist call to action for the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel and its transformation into one ruled by Islamist Sharia law, the very concept of marking “Al-Quds Day” is offensive to the principles Ontarians live by.
“Considering this rally is held on public grounds, transparency is required in order to hold the organizers to account.”
As someone who witnessed last year's antics, which included placards with Ayatollah photos and Hezbo flags, I'm prepared to go out on a limb and identify the organizers as die-hard Khomeinists. From Iran. I think their individual names and addresses are far less important than the fact that Canada has opened its doors to lord knows how many of these zanies, and that this public display of Zionhass is the inevitable and dreadful result.

Update: Speaking of an identity that's cloaked in mystery--who is Ontario's Sgt. at Arms? What's his name? Because for the life of me, I can't find it anywhere. It would be nice to know it so that when we contacted the individual responsible for "security in the House and the Legislative Precinct," the guy who "provides advice and responds to security issues to the Members of Provincial Parliament and the Legislative Assembly," we could at least ask, "Could I please speak to so-and-so?"

Oddly enough for a government that boasts about being on the cutting edge of renewable energy (bazillion dollar giant Samsung wind sticks, anyone?), that newfangled e-mail technology all the kids are raving about seems to not yet have reached the Sarge's office. So if you want to contact him with your concerns about this year's Khomeinist Seethe-a-thon, you'll have to phone (416 325-7455) or fax (416 325-7154).

Update: His name is Dennis Clark, and in his capacity as Ontario's Sarge he gets to wear this way cool outfit. (Hat tip: Sassy)

Update: What's the difference between Al Quds Day in Toronto and Al Quds Day in Tehran? Well, since you asked, although the protesters in both places look the same, in Tehran (see photos below of previous rallies held there) you don't have to ask an infidel Sarge for permission to hold your rally because an even bigger fish, the Grandiose Ayatollah, has already given it his hearty approval.

Update: This is what I call "cuddly" propaganda (made all the more revolting because of the cutesy animation). ("Veritas"? As if.)

1 comment:

PersonOfTheBook said...

This hatefest should be called by a name which is more truthful: "Destroy Israel Day".