Tuesday, October 23, 2012

For Jewry, Everything Old is New Again (Whether Or Not You're in Denial About It)

There are many Diaspora Jews, more than a few of them who lean left, who are really bummed out by what they see as anti-Israel blowback splashing unfairly onto them. With their tikkun olam-y outlook and universalist principles, these bien pensants are keen to draw a red line, a cordon sanitaire, around Israel, so that the Zionhass will remain, they think, in situ.

How foolish, and how delusional, they are. Here's Shoshana Bryen with a sharp pin to burst their little bubble (a covering which won't protect them from resurgent Jew-hate, engendered in the main by Islamists and their fellow lefties):
In France and Sweden -- and in the UN -- authorities fail to acknowledge that Europe's Jewish communities are under attack by Muslims who have formed insular, radical and often criminal enclaves. They are attacked NOT because of what they do or do not do; NOT because of what Israel does or does not do, and NOT because their tormentors face discrimination in Europe, but because they are Jews.
'Twas ever thus.

1 comment:

Carlos Perera said...

Ah, but Scaramouche, the Left does not deal in reality in the sense of that which is empirically verifiable, like the population of China or the distance between the earth and the moon.

To the Left, reality is a sociocultural construct that is useful to the advancement of a historical vision . . . sort of like the "alternate reality" plot of a Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel. And a recurring plot of the Leftist narrative is that designated victim groups--among whom Jews are no longer counted unless they are victimized by blond Teutons--cannot be oppressors; if they commit acts of violence or intimidation, the fault must lie with the "oppressor" group that provoked them. Thus, if a synagogue school in Toulouse is attacked by a murderous jihadi, he _must_ have been driven to the act by the anguish imposed on him by the Zionist exploitation of the Palestinian people, or some such.

Unfortunately, the preponderance of the Western intelligentsia--not just the Jewish slice--has bought into the ontology of the Left, and will not acknowledge empirical reality (no matter how many pins are stuck into the bubble of their constructed reality) if it contradicts the politically correct narrative.