Sunday, October 28, 2012

Global News Does a "Gotcha" on the "Human Rights" Mausoleum While the Real Scandal--the Cost of Building and Running This Sucker--Is Ignored

In a blistering expose, Global News has uncovered an outrageous scandal involving the Canadian "human rights" mausoleum.

No, not the fact that this ill-conceived white elephant is hoovering up mountains of our hard-earned tax dollars with no end in sight. The fact that some of the gift shop items it's flogging may have been produced in Third World countries "with poor human rights records."

Yeah, I get the irony, but don't you think they're missing the behemoth in the room?

As for mausoleum gifts shop tchotchkes: unless there's a T-shirt emblazoned with "Someone I know visited the Mass Atrocity Zone, and all I got was this lousy shirt," I'm not interested.

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