Friday, June 21, 2013

Craven, Clueless British Dhimmis Welcome Sharia Law; Women--ALL Women--Pay the Price

Found this in Standpoint:
The Islamic Sharia Council (ISC) advises primarily on family law matters and gives women inaccurate advice on the law regarding domestic violence. In an undercover report filmed by Panorama, Suhaib Hasan — a senior cleric at the ISC who has previously called for stoning and amputation to be introduced to Britain — wrongly told a woman she would have to leave her home if she reported domestic violence to the police. He also asked if her husband left marks on her body when he hit her (this is the line — sharia allows men to hit their wives provided they leave no visible evidence of it). Haitham al-Haddad, another adviser at the ISC is on record as saying "a man should not be questioned why he hit his wife". Over at the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, Britain's second largest sharia organisation behind the ISC, a spokesman told the BBC that he was engaged in discussions with the Crown Prosecution Service and the police to seek an "alternative form of resolution" for domestic violence cases for Muslims; the aim of establishing a full system of sharia-based family law is openly acknowledged.   
Domestic violence is not the only area of sharia family law that causes concern however. Women have little right to divorce under sharia, children go in to the custody of fathers from a preset age (regardless of the circumstances), and marital rape was described as "impossible" by the President of the ISC Maulana Abu Sayeed. So what is the response to all of this? Absolute unequivocal condemnation? Not a bit of it. Instead, we have respected figures like Rowan Williams reiterate his white-washing of sharia family law at Temple Church in Fleet Street recently. He again hinted at future integration of sharia law when he said "it needs to be made accountable and professional in ways which the legal establishment and statutory authority is best placed to take forward". He is of course not the only public figure to sanitise sharia. Former Lord Chief Justice Nicholas Phillips also argues that there is "no reason why Sharia principles, or any other religious code, should not be the basis for mediation or other forms of alternative dispute resolution". No reason? This should worry us...
It should, but it won't, because to be a "worrier" is to be condemned as an "Islamophobe"--the worst possible thing one can be in a muliticulti utopia (in an Islamist one, too, only there it isn't called Islamophobia, it's called blasphemy).

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