Saturday, October 5, 2013

Madonna Determined to Study Religious Stuff Starting With the Letter "K," Apparently

Not that you care, nor should you, but she's really quite spiritual:
"I began to search for meaning and a real sense of purpose in life. I wanted to be a mother, but I realised that just because I was a freedom fighter didn't mean I was qualified to raise a child. I decided I needed to have a spiritual life. That's when I discovered Kabbalah," she said.  
She said that she was surprised by the public response to her new-found faith.
"Now, you would think that studying the mystical interpretation of the Old Testament and trying to understand the secrets of the universe was a harmless thing to do. I wasn't hurting anybody. Just going to class, taking notes in my spiral notebook, contemplating my future. I was actually trying to become a better person.  
"For some reason, that made people nervous," she said. She said that she is now studying the Koran, believing that it is important to study all the holy books.
She's just so freaking deep.

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