Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Obama Administration Launches Climate Change Info Site on Google

Maybe if he can "Harold Hill" 'em into thinking there's lots of "Trouble" afoot re rising oceans and melting polar ice caps, he can stop 'em from a-fuming about O-Care:
As a part of the White House’s efforts to equip American’s with the ability to realize weather changes and global warming effects, the Obama administration has decided to launch a climate information website. This website will be unveiled today and give people a lot more information so that they can be prepared for climatic changes. They All (sic) kinds of climatic information and scientific data like predictable droughts and wildfires and even the rising sea-levels will be made available to people. 
The idea was conceived by John D. Podesta and John P. Holdren. Podests (sic) is Mr. Obama’s counselor who has been entrusted with the task of creating a game-plan to build political support for the president’s climate change program. Holdren is a White House advisor on science and he’s the one who came up with the idea.
There are several big cooperates who are a part of this initiative along with Google. They will even tap in to the federal databases to create the first topography of Earth to show how sea levels and other climate-related changes are occurring. Google will be donating one petabyte, which is around one billion megabytes, of cloud storage for this proposal. 
The app at is said to be a powerhouse of information when it comes to climatic changes...
Considering Obama's flaccidness when it comes to practically everything else, that's the only "powerhouse" he'll have going for him.

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