Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Letter In CJN: Justin Trudeau's Judenrein Holocaust Remarks Part of Leftist Bid to Politicize, Universalize the Shoah

S.E. Woolley of Columbia, S.C. nails it re Sunny Boy Trudeau's Jew-less bromides:
The politics of the Shoah 
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Jew-free news release on International Holocaust Remembrance Day is not just some careless goof by a rookie. I’m not buying the Trudeau walk-back, not when it’s so plainly part of a growing effort in liberal circles worldwide to gradually de-Judaize the Shoah. 
The Holocaust is slipping from living Jewish memory into historical memory.  But will it be a Jewish historical memory?  Prepare for challenge. In the decades to come, we will see more erasing of Jewish ownership of the Shoah in favour of a renovation of the Holocaust as a purely “human” tragedy. 
Jews seek to retain the Shoah in the catalogue of our oppression. Secular liberals, mainline Christian churches and, of course, all those further to the left, need to denationalize the Holocaust to successfully universalize it. Delisting the Holocaust from the Jewish national estate is just one more attack on Jewish exclusivity and self-definition. 
We are an inconvenient people, it seems, and whether it’s through rank incompetence or some malicious sense of universalism, Canada’s new prime minister has just made his own contribution to the process of erasure.
That's the left for you. It won't rest until both the Holocaust and the Jewish state have been subjected to that process.

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